Built Environment


Night that creates knowledge 2016

[Translate to English:] Frau Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Hoffmann fasste in einem Vortrag die aktuellen Projekte und Ziele zusammen

[Translate to English:] Zahlreiche interessierte Gäste kamen ans DFKI und besichtigten die dortigen Forschungseinrichtungen.

[Translate to English:] Bürger/innen testen Klimastühle betreut von M.Eng. Katharina Boudier

[Translate to English:] M.Eng. Mathias Kimmling präsentiert weitere Details zu Forschung und eingesetzter Technologie

[Translate to English:] Bürger/innen messen Lichtspektren

For the sixth "Night that Creates Knowledge" on April 22, 2016, the Living Lab smart office space opened its doors once again, along with many other laboratories and institutes at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. Numerous interested guests were welcome to learn about our research on "Smart solutions for the office of the future". Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Hoffmann summarized the current projects and goals in a lecture under the same title, while Katharina Boudier, Mathias Kimmling and their colleagues welcomed all visitors in the Living Lab smart office space in the evening and during the night and presented many more details about research and applied technology in discussions and Q&A sessions.


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