Built Environment


Saturday Learning in the Living Lab

For the third part of this year's "Saturday LearnING" series, around 30 students from Kaiserslautern and the surrounding area came to the TU Kaiserslautern on November 21, 2015 for a taster lecture and subsequent tour of the Living Lab smart office space.

The lecture formed the first part of the event and was entitled "How do light and heat get into a building? For this purpose, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Hoffmann and Mr. Mathias Kimmling explained some basics of radiation theory and presented interesting aspects from the fields of solar radiation, radiation measurement and lighting technologies. An excursus on the basics of acoustics in preparation for the subsequent practical part of the event rounded off the lecture.

After a lunch break and a short walk to the DFKI premises, everyone gathered together in the Living Lab, where the two speakers were able to give the interested students an insight into the research work in the Smart Office Space.

At the same time, Prof. Dr. Jochen Kuhn, head of the Physics Didactics group, led alternating groups of students through workshops and acoustic experiments using smartphones and tablets to investigate standing waves and sound pressure levels.

All offers of the event met with very interested and motivated students and could thus provide some interesting insights into the studies at the Department of Civil Engineering at the TU Kaiserslautern.


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