Built Environment

Welcome to the homepage of the Department of Built Environment

The Built Environment department deals with building technology components and systems and their interaction in the building as a system. Heat supply, fresh air supply, lighting and dynamic facade control are tasks for which new and innovative solutions are developed and investigated. Decentralized approaches and human-technology interaction are of great importance. The aim of the research is to create sustainable buildings that are energy-efficient and economical to run, and that offer their users maximum comfort.

In addition, the department develops innovative energy concepts in combination with economic feasibility studies and risk assessments for clients from industry and commerce. In past projects, concepts with hydrogen, biomass and power-to-X were developed for large industrial customers (e.g. from the automotive industry and retail), which are always oriented to the needs and requirements of the clients.

We are a multinational team with a highly interdisciplinary focus: scientists* from civil engineering, building physics, mechanical engineering, computer science and architecture work together and use both experimental and computational simulation methods.

In the Living Lab smart office space, we test technologies in use and present our findings to a broader public.


ICHES, Nagoya, Japan, 29. Oktober – 2. November 2016

Auf der internationalen Konferenz ICHES war das Fachgebiet Gebäudesysteme und Gebäudetechnik mit zwei Präsentationen vertreten. Prof. Sabine Hoffmann moderierte als Sessionleiterin die Session „Thermal Comfort 2“. Hier waren zwei Vorträge der TU Kaiserslautern vertreten. Katharina Boudier stellte mit ihrer Präsentation „ Heated and Cooled Chairs for Office Use“ eine Studie mit Klimastühlen von 2016 vor. Prof. Sabine Hoffmann präsentierte mit „Sensing Thermal Stress at Office Workplaces” eine Kooperationsarbeit zwischen der TU Kaiserslautern, dem DFKI Kaiserslautern sowie dem Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Japan).

Die Konferenz behandelt Themen aus den Bereichen „Indoor environmental quality“, Energieeffizienz und psychologische sowie physiologische Aspekte des Menschen. Bei dieser Konferenz stellte die „thermische Behaglichkeit des Menschen“ einen thematischen Schwerpunkt dar.

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